Jansadharan Ticket booking Sewaks (JTBS)-IRCTC New Rules
No. 2019/TG-I/20/P/JTBS
New Delhi dated 07.08.2019
Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
(Commercial Circular no. 36 of 2019)
Sub: Jansadharan Ticket booking Sewaks (JTBS)
Ref: Letter no. 2014/TG-I/20/P/JTBS dated 21.03.2014 (CC No. 12 of 2014.)
As per extant instructions JTBS has to make advance deposit for issuing of unreserved tickets and JTBS cannot issue the ticket if at any point of time the amount deposited by JTBS is less than Rs, 10,000/-, No upper limit has, however, been stipulated up to which a JTBS can make the deposit.
2. The matter has been examined in this office. It has now been decided that JTBS shall be allowed to deposit the maximum amount equivalent to 15 days daily average transactions of the JTBS during the previous financial year subject to the condition that the said amount does not fall below the prescribed lower limit of Rs. 10,000/-. In case of newly appointed JTBS, this limit can be decided by zonal Railways concerned with the approval of their Associate Finance.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
(Shelly Srivastava)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in