Re-entrusting of Bid Process Management and Implementation of Rail Display Network (RDN) policy

Re-entrusting of Bid Process Management and Implementation of Rail Display Network (RDN) policy


2015/TG-IV/13/G (RDN)

New Delhi, Dated: 15.01.2020

All General Managers,
Indian Railways,
Chairman & Managing Director,
RailTel, New Delhi-23.

(Commercial Circular No. 02 of 2020)

Sub: Re-entrusting of Bid Process Management and Implementation of Rail Display Network (RDN) policy Issued vide CC 50/2017 dated 11.07.2017 to RailTel.

Ref: (i) Railway Board RDN Policy CC No. 50/2017 dated 11.07.17.
(ii) This office letter of even No. dated 07.06.2018 & 20.06.18.
(ill) CRB’s DO letter no. 2016/NFR/20/5 dated 12.07.18.
(iv) Clarffications/Modifications to existing all NFR policies issued vide CC No.50/2018 & letter No.2018/NFR/47 dated 12.09.18.
(v) GM (NTP) CO/RailTel’s letter RCIL/C0/2017/DNM/Railway Projects/RDN Communication with Railways/0158/Vol. 1 dated 31.10.19 and 12.12.2019.

Rail Display Network policy was issued by NFR Directorate vide ref. (i) above with the objective to explore non fare revenue through Rail display Network (RDN) project. RailTel was the Nodal Agency responsible for bid process management. Subsequently, due to discharge of RDN tender in May,2018, the bid process management by RailTel was discontinued and given to Zonal Railways vide Board’s letter under reference (ii) above.

2. Zonal Railways have not made much progress with regard to implementation of RDN, as it requires bandwidth and network connectivity across all stations, fiber network, experience in managing complex technology solutions and creation of value in collaborative manner.

3. Hence, Board (M/S&T, MT, FC & CRB) have now decided to re-entrust RailTel with bid process management of RDN and to discontinue the same by Zonal Railway with immediate effect. Accordingly reference to RDN policy and its implementation in CC 50/2018 dated 12.09.18 and CRB’s DO letter dated 12.07.18 shall be applicable only for contracts awarded and implemented by Zonal Railways prior to the issue of these instructions i.e. 15.01.2020.

4. In case of RDN, if Zonal Railways have already been issued LoA, prior to the date of issue of these instructions r.e. 15.01.2020, Zones shall go ahead with implementation. Accordingly, RailTel shall nol implement RDN at stations where Zonal Railways have already issued LoA.

5. Revenue sharing arrangement between Indian Railway and RailTel shall be 65:335 as given in CC 50/2017 dated 11.07.2017.

6. Zonal Railways may please furnish the details of all RDN existing operational contracts and where LOA has been issued along with name of stations and their sizes with locations to RailTel for planning and awarding of the new contracts on those stations, in addition to existing Railway awarded contracts. The above information may please be furnished to RailTel within 15 days positively.

7. This issues with concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(P.C. Verma)
Joint Director (NFR)
Railway Board


2015/TG-IV/13/G (RDN)

New Delhi, Dated: 15.01.2020

Chairman & Managing Director,
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block-2,
East Kidwal Nagar,
New Delhi -23.

Sub: Re-entrusting of Bid Process Management and implementation of Rail Display Network (RDN) policy Issued vide CC 50/2017 dated 11.07.2017 to RailTel.

Ref: (i) Railway Board RDN Policy CC No. 50/2017 dated 11.07.17
(ii) This office letter of even No. dated 07.06.2018 & 20.06.18.
(iii) CRB’s DO letter no. 2016/NFR/20/5 dated 12.07.18.
(iv) Clarifications/Modifications to existing all NFR policies issued vide CC No.50/2018 & letter NO.2018/NFR/47 dated 12.09.18.
(V) GM (NTP) CO/ RailTel’s letter RCIL/CO/2017/DNM/Railway Projects/RDN Communication with Railways/0158/Vol.l dated 31.10.19 and 12.12.2019.

Proposal of RailTel for re-entrusting of Bid Process Management of Rail Displau Network to RailTel has been examined.

2. The issue has been considered by Board (M/S&T, MT, FC & CRB) and it has been deeded that the bid process management of Rail Display Network (RDN) shall be re-entrusted to RailTel in accordance with policy guidelines issued earlier vide CC 50/2017 dated 11.07.2017 for ineffective management and implementation from the date of issuing of these instructions to RailTel.

3. A draft JPO/ MoU/ Agreement including all Commercial terms with definitions and mode of calculation of revenue share between Indian Railway and RairTel shall be submitted by RailTel at the earliest.

4. This issues with the incurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways

(P.C. Verma)
Joint Director (NFR)
Railway Board


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