Special train between Ahmedabad-Yesvantpur

Special train between Ahmedabad-Yesvantpur

Special train between Ahmedabad-Yesvantpur (Train No. 06501 / 06502) time table, route, frequency and fare

For the convenience of passengers, South Western Railway has decided to run special train between Ahmedabad-Yesvantpur (Train No. 06501 / 06502)

Train No. 06501 Ahmedabad-Yesvantpur special train

Train No. 06501 Ahmedabad-Yesvantpur Special train will leave from (Every Tuesday) Ahmedabad at 18.40 hrs & will reach Yesvantpur at 04.45 hrs and train running time between the station 34 hour and 5 minutes.

Train No. 06502 Yesvantpur-Ahmedabad special train

Similarly, Train No. 06502 Yesvantpur-Ahmedabad Special train will leave from (Every Sunday) Yesvantpur at 13.30 hrs & will reach Ahmedabad at 02.20 hrs and train running time between the station 36 hour and 50 minutes.

Ahmedabad -Yesvantpur Distance between the station is 1799 Kilometer

Date of Commencement of Service:

Train No. 06501 from Ahmedabad -Yesvantpur special train from 27-10-2020 to 01-12-2020

Train No: 06502 from Yesvantpur-Ahmedabad special train from 25-10-2020 to 29-11-2020

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