Special train between Barbil-Puri

Special train between Barbil-Puri

Special train between Barbil-Puri (Train No.08415 / 08416) time table, route, frequency and fare

In order to clear huge rush of passengers during the festive season, South Eastern Railway has decided to run Special Trains between Barbil-Puri during the period from 21/10/2020 to 01/12/2020.

Train No.08415 / 08416 Barbil-Puri-Barbil Tri-Weekly Special

Train No.08415 Barbil-Puri Special will run from Barbil every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday between 22/10/2020 and 01/12/2020.

In the return direction, Train No.08416 Puri-Barbil Special will leave Puri every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 21/10/2020 and 30/11/2020.

The special will run as per the existing timings of Train No.18415 / 18416 Barbil-Puri Express.

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