Special train between Pune-Manduadi

Special train between Pune-Manduadi

Special train between Pune-Manduadi (Train No. 02135 / 02136) time table, route, frequency and fare

Pune-Manduadih Weekly specials (14 trips)

Train No. 02135 Weekly special will leave Pune at 16.15 hrs on every Monday from 19.10.2020 to 30.11.2020 and arrive Manduadih at 19.20 hrs next day.

Train No. 02136 Weekly special will leave Manduadih at 04.10 hrs on every Wednesday from 21.10.2020 to 2.12.2020 and arrive Pune at 08.05 hrs next day.

Halts and timings as per regular train No. 22131/22132 Pune-Manduadih Express

Composition: One AC-2 Tier, 4 AC-3 Tier, 11 Sleeper class and 6 second class seating

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