Special train Sealdah to Lalgola | Special train Lalgola to Sealdah
Special train between Sealdah-Lalgol (Train No. 03103/ 03104) time table, route, frequency and fare
Eastern Railway Special train between Sealdah-Lalgol
Train No. 03103 Sealdah-Lalgola Special will leave Sealdah at 18.20 hrs. w.e.f. 1.12.2020 to reach Lalgola at 23.00 hrs. on the same day
Train No. 03104 Lalgola-Sealdah Special will leave Lalgola at 5:40 hrs. w.e.f. 2.12.2020 to reach Sealdah at 10:40 hrs.. on the same day.
The train will run as per link of Train No. 13103/ Train No. 13104 Sealdah-Laogola-Sealdah Bhagirathi Express.
Booking of the special trains will be available on & from 26.11.2020 both from PRS counters & online booking. In addition to fare, SPECIAL charge will be realized for those trains.