Tejas special train Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad

Tejas special train Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad

For the convenience of passengers, Western Railway has decided to run Tejas special train between Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad

Tejas special train Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad (Train No. 82901 / 82902) time table, route, frequency and fare

Train No. 82901 Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad Tejas special train

Train No. 82901 Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad Special train will leave from (Daily) Mumbai Central at 15.35 hrs & will reach Ahmedabad at 21.55 hrs and train running time between the station 6h and 20 minutes.

Train No. 82902 Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central Tejas special train

Similarly, Train No. 82902 Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central Special train will leave from (Daily) Ahmedabad at 06.40 hrs & will reach Mumbai Central at 13.10 hrs and train running time between the station 6h and 30 minutes.

Date of Commencement of Service:

Train No. 82901 from Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad Tejas special train -on and from 14-02-2021

Train No: 82902 from Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central Tejas special train -on and from 14-02-2021

Enroute this train will halt at Mumbai Central, Andheri, Borivali, Vapi, Surat, Bharuch Jn, Vadodara Jn, Nadiad Jn, , Ahmedabad stations in both directions.

Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad Distance between the station is 493 Kilometre

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