Magh Mela special train between Chhapra – Jhusi – Chhapra
Special train from Chhapra to Jhusi
Train No.55161 Chhapra-Jhusi fair special train will be departure from Chhapra on 20th January, 2020 at 12.00 pm on the second day at 00.15 pm
Train No.55161 Chhapra-Jhusi fair special train will be departure from Chhapra on 21th January, 2020 at 22.10 pm on the second day at 08.25 pm.
Train No.55161 Chapra-Jhusi fair special train will be departure from Chhapra on 23th and 25th January, 2020 at 04.40 pm
Special train to run from Jhusi to Chhapra
Train No. 55162 Jhusi-Chhapra fair special train will be departing at 02.40 pm on January 21, 2020 at 14.30 pm.
Train No.55162 Jhusi-Chhapra fair special car will be taken from Jhusi on 22th and 24th January, 2020 at 13.45 pm on the second day at 02.05 pm.
Train No.55162 Jhusi-Chhapra fair special train will leave from Jhusi on 25th January, 2020 at 19.30 pm on the second day at 06.35 pm
The movement of special trains is dependent on the availability of passengers.