Suvidha Express Fare | Suvidha Train Route

Suvidha Express Fare – Suvidha Train Route – Suvidha Express Ticket Booking


In a Suvidha train, the total number of berths are divided into blocks of 20% each with the first block being charged substantially lower than the last block of 20%. This allows the passengers who book early on the Suvidha train to get lower fares. This system is different from the original dynamic pricing system of premium trains, which is adopted by several airlines, and in which the price is driven up based on the intensity of the demand.

Given below is table showing Sleeper, Third AC and Second AC fares for journey from Chennai Egmore to Madurai by a regular train and by a Suvidha special.

Class Regular Train (Rs.) Suvidha Special (Rs)
2A 1140 First 20% 1560
Second 20% 2285
Third 20% 3015
Fourth 20% 3745
Fifth 20% 4470
3A 810 First 20% 1120
Second 20% 1640
Third 20% 2155
Fourth 20% 2670
Fifth 20% 3185
SL 315 First 20% 415
Second 20% 595
Third 20% 775
Fourth 20% 955
Fifth 20% 1135

Therefore, for a train which has approximately 800 sleeper berths, the first 160 berths will cost Rs.415/- and the next 160 berths will cost Rs.595/- and so on.

Lastly, Specials form a very small percentage of the total number of trains run by Southern Railway. For example, in February 2016, we ran 44 specials originating from various stations on Southern Railway, but we also ran 5435 regular trains originating from Southern Railway.

Suvidha Trains Numbering Scheme



New Delhi, dated: 10.06.2016

The General Managers (Optg.)
All India Railways

Sub: Suvidha Trains Numbering Scheme.

Ref: Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 09/09/2010.

In terms of Commercial Circular No. 33 of 2015 and as amended from time to time, Ministry of Railways has decided to run Suvidha trains based on dynamic fare mechanism.

In continuation of train numbering scheme/policy issued vide Board’s letter referred above, Ministry of Railways has decided that all Suvidha trains should be numbered as per the five digit train numbering scheme to reflect the same in the ICMS and for the convenience of the general public as well, with the following criteria:

1. The proposed renumbering of the Suvidha train shall be known as “Suvidha Trains Numbering Scheme”.

2. All Suvidha trains will only begin with numerical ‘8’ as the ‘first digit’.

3. The numerical ‘2’ shall be the ‘second digit’ of five digit train numbering scheme of Suvidha trains.

4. The ‘third digit’ in the “Suvidha Trains Numbering Scheme” shall be the Zonal code based on old allotted numbers prior to re-organization of the Zonal Railways in 2002/2003. To ensure that no duplication as well as proper utilization of the entire series of numbers take place under the scheme, the parental 9 zonal railways shall be the respective co-ordinator for other zonal railways which were created and clubbed together with the parent zonal railway after 2002/2003 for distribution of such numbering scheme within the zonal railway code. Accordingly, distribution of zonal code shall be made as per the following:

S. No. Co-ordinating  Railway Zonal Code (four digit 1989 series) Zonal Code (five digit 2009 series) Zones covered (respective divisions as applicable)
1 Central Railway 1 1 CR, NCR, WCR, KRCL
2 Railway Board 2 2 Not to be utilised unless specifically permitted by Board. Board may be approached for allotment in writing, only when the all the digits in the series have been utilised and/or a special situation arises.
3 Eastern Railway 3 3 ECR,ER
4 Northern Railway 4 4 NR, NCR, NWR
5 N.E. & N.F Railway 5 & 55 5 NER, NFR, ECR
6 Southern Railway 6 6 SWR, SR
7 S.C. Railway 7 7 SCR, SWR
8 S.E. Railway 8 8 SER, ECOR, SECR
9 Western Railway 9 9 WR, NWR

5. The ‘fourth’ and ‘fifth’ digit shall denote train number series.

6. The renumbering of all Suvidha trains being run by various Zonal Railways may be done with “Advance Reservation Period (ARP)” or “No Booking Date” whichever is earlier. No new trips/extensions of the Suvidha trains should be fired in the PRS except under the above “Suvidha Train Numbering Scheme” with immediate effect.

All Zonal Railways (including KRCL) to comply and confirm.

(M.S. Bhatia)
Director/T.T. (Coaching)-II
Railway Board

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