New Multi Purpose Stall (MPS) Policy
New Multi Purpose Stall (MPS) Policy
Multi Purpose Stall (MPS) Policy 2023
Implementation of Multi Purpose Stall (MPS) Policy dated 05/09/2017
New Delhi, dated 12/03/2019
(Commercial Circular No. 12 of 2019)
(Corrigendum to CC No. 61/2017, MPS Policy 2017)
Sub: Implementation of Multi Purpose Stall (MPS) Policy dated 05/09/2017.
Para 10 of Multi Purpose Stall Policy 2017 (CC No. 61/2017) has been reviewed in Board’s office and accordingly following modification is advised
Existing Para 10
No firm/Company/Individual/ Retailer will be allowed to hold more than five MPS per Division. However, a firm/Company/Individual can hold a maximum of 10 Multi Purpose Stalls over each Zonal Railway. Zonal Railways shall observe due diligence while scrutinizing the particulars of individuals/ partnership firms/companies, common residences/office addresses, common office bearers etc. so that prospective bidders may not circumvent the ceiling limit provisions.
Modified Para 10
No firm/Company/Individual/ Retailer will be allowed to hold more than five MPS per Division. However, a firm/Company/ Individual can hold a maximum of 10 Multi Purpose Stalls over each Zonal Railway. Zonal Railways shall observe due diligence while scrutinizing the particulars of individuals/partnership firms/companies, common residences/office addresses, common office bearers etc. so that prospective bidders may not circumvent the ceiling limit provisions. Ceiling limits will not be applicable on conversion of respective existing units into MPS as a one time exemption. The existing units shall be governed by Para 11 of this Policy.
For expeditious implementation of MPS Policy 2017, following is further clarified:-
(i) Ceiling limits will not be applicable on conversion of respective existing units into MPS as a one time exemption.
(ii) The licensees of the existing units who opt for conversion into MPS will be allowed to continue for a period of 5 years from the date of conversion into MPS subject to payment of license fee fixed as per new MPS Policy. Thereafter, they will have to come through normal tendering process where ceiling limits will apply as there is no provision for extension beyond 5 years.
(iii) The licensees who do not opt for conversion into MPS will be allowed to continue till expiry of the existing agreement/arrangement in vogue.
Thereafter the concerned unit will be allotted as per the provisions of new MPS Policy including Master Plan/blue print as defined in Para 1.4.1.
(iv) The units mentioned under (ii) above, after completion of one time conversion of 5 years period, will be allotted as per the provisions of new MPS Policy 2017 taking into consideration of the blueprint/master plan as defined in Para 1.4.1 of MPS Policy.
In view of above, Zonal Railways are advised to take necessary action for conversion of all existing units into MPS in accordance with the above guidelines. The process of conversion must be completed by 31 March 2019.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry
(Mudit Chandra)
DFM as Dir. (T&C)
Railway Board