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Railway Pass Rules for Rajdhani Express – Indian Railway Pass Rules 2023 – Indian Railway Pass Rules 7th Pay Commission pdf – Railway Privilege Pass Allowed Duronto Express
New Pass Rules for Railway Employees 2023
Railway Pass Rules 2023
Extension of dead line for issuance of manual pass to Railway Employees till 28.02.2023
No. PC-VII/ 2020/ HRMS/ 6
New Delhi, dated: 22.01.2021
The General Manager,
All Indian Railways and Production Units / Training Institutes
(As per mailing list)
Sub: Extension of dead line for issuance of manual pass to Railway Employees.
Ref: Board’s letter No. PC-VII / 2020 /HRMS /6 (Part) dated 16.11.2020 and 17.11.2020 (Corrigendum) .
Please refer to Board’s letter dated 14.08.2020 (RBE No. 66/ 2020) circulating the guidelines for e-Pass / PTO module of HRMS. The dead line for issuance of physical passes was extended upto 31.12.2020 vide Board’s letter referred above and it was also communicated that from 1st January, 2021 onwards the system may invariably be shifted to e-Pass module in respect of all serving employees.
2. It has been observed that e-Pass / PTO module of HRMS has gained acceptance amongst large number of Railway Employees and nearly 2,75,000 Passes have been issued through HRMS module till date. However, it is observed that some issues have been reported from certain quarters regarding issuance of e-Pass arising out of certain technical / logistic issues resulting in delay in issue of passes and issuing tickets to employees. The complaints have largely been relating to generation of OTP as well as regarding completion of data entry in exceptional cases and also relating to acquaintance with the new mode of issuance of passes.
3. In order to increase the awareness amongst Railway Employees, various efforts have been made such as circulation of short videos relating to use of e-Pass module, issue of instructions in bilingual and vernacular languages.
4. The issue has further been examined in Board’s office and in order to avoid any hardships to the employees in availing the passes, it has been decided by the competent authority that in exceptional and emergency cases where e-Pass could not be issued due to non-completion of data entry or any other unforeseen technical problems which could not be resolved within a stipulated time frame, physical passes may be issued till 28.02.2021. However, issue of passes through HRMS module shall be given priority and issue of physical passes maybe resorted to in emergent and extraordinary situations only. While issuing the passes through physical mode, pass account of the employee in the e-Pass module may be updated invariably.
5. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Jaya Kumar G)
Dy. Director, PC-VII & HRMS
Railway Board
Download The Original Order in PDF : Click Here
What is railway pass?
Rail Pass is a pass that covers the cost of train travel over a period or period of time. The first rail pass was issued in March 1959 as a Ural Pass. Because of its success, numerous other passes have been issued by various railway companies around the world.
What is duty pass?
Railway Reservation Duty Pass Allocation is for Railway employees on duty. All railway employees who have to travel by train to perform their duties have a duty pass so they can board the trains. Against Duty Pass they can book all trains on Rajdhani trains too. This pass is issued before the actual travel date of the employees to perform duty under Indian Railway Rules throughout India. Sometimes these passes have a limited duration in which they must travel by train.
What is railway PTO?
Officer or authority competent to issue and sign a Pass or PTO. – A pass or PTO may be issued by such officer or authority and may be signed by such officer as the Central Government (Ministry, of Railways) may from time to time specify:
Provided that until such authorities or officers are specified, the Pass or PTO shall be signed and issued in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Railways and in force at the commencement of these Rules.
Indian Railway Pass Rules 7th Pay Commission
Indian Railway Pass Rules 7th Pay Commission pdf
Revised travel entitlements On Duty Passes, Privilege Passes and Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP)
New Delhi, dated 18.02.2019
Principal Chief Commercial Managers
A11 Zonal Railways
General Matiager/PRS,
CRIS, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi.
(Commercial Circular No. 09 of 2019)
Sub; Revised travel entitlements On Duty Passes, Privilege Passes and Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP).
Please find enclosed a copy of Establishment Directorate of this office instruction No.E(W)2016/PS5-l/8 (RBE No. 16/2019) dated 31.01.2019 regarding Revised travel entitlements on Duty Passes, Privilege Passes and Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) for information and further necessary action.
Encl; As above.
(Sanjay Manocha)
Joint Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board
RBE No. 16 /2019
No. E(W)2016/PS5-1/8
New Delhi, dated 31.01.2019
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways & Productions Units.
Sub: Revised travel entitlements on Duty Passes, Privilege Passes and Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP).
Consequent to implementation of CPC’s recommendations and notification of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules – 2016 (RSPR) w.e.f. 01.01.2016, the matter regarding linking of travel entitlements on Duty Passes, Privilege Passes/PTOs and PRCP with the ‘Pay Level in Pay Matrix’ (PLPM) has been examined in consultation with Commercial and Finance Dtes. The Competent Authority has accorded his approval for. the revised travel entitlements on status (i.e. Gazetted/Non-gazetted) cum PLPM basis as indicated in Annexure-I (for Duty Pass) and Annexure-II (for Privilege Pass/PRCP).
2. In all other respects, the extant provisions of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition-1993) will continue to apply.
3. The revised travel entitlements would take effect from 01.01.2016.
Accordingly, PRCP/Widow Pass travel entitlement of the railway servants retired/deceased in the interregnum shall be re-fixed by the Pass Issuing Authorities.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
5. Hindi version will follow.
Indian Railway Pass Rules 7th Pay Commission pdf Download- Annexures I & II.
(V. Muralidliaran)
Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare)-I
Railway Board
Earmarking Duty Pass (DP) Quota in Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto Express type trains
Railway Pass Rules for Rajdhani Express
Railway Pass Rules 2020 – Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto Express Type Trains
New Delhi, dated 25.10.2019
Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
(Commercial Circular No.52.of 2019)
Sub: Earmarking Duty Pass (DP) Quota in Rajdhani / Shatabdi / Duronto Express type trains.
Please find enclosed a copy of this office letter of even number dated 16.10.2019 on the subject quoted above for information and further necessary action.
(Shelly Srivastava)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board
New Delhi, Dated: 16.10.2019
The General Manager,
All Zonal Railways.
Sub: Earmarking Duty Pass (DP) Quota in Rajdhani / Shatabdi / Duronto Express type trains.
Ref: (i) Letter no. 98/TG-I/9/P dated 29.03.2001
(ii) Letter no. E(W)2009 PS5-1/30 dated 21.03.2012
(iii) Letter no. E(W)2009/PS 5-1/30 dated 01.03.2013
(iv) Letter no. E(W)2016/PS 5-1/10 dated 12.07.2017
Vide instructions referred to above, the procedure for earmarking Duty Pass Quota for serving/retired railway servants travelling on Duty/Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary(PRC) passes has been advised.
2. The matter has been reviewed. It has now been decided to slightly modify earmarking of Duty Pass Quota in Rajdhani / Shatabdi type trains i.e. Rajdhani / Shatabdi / Duronto / Gatiman, etc., in which the fare is higher than normal Mail / Express trains. The revised procedure shall be as under:-
(i) In 3 AC class of Rajdhani type trains and AC Chair Car and 2S / SL in Duronto trains, 50% of the earmarked Duty Pass Quota shall be earmarked at the counter and the remaining 50% shall be released as emergency quota subject to maximum limit mentioned in subsequent paragraph.
(ii) In 2 AC class, approximately 1/4th of the earmarked Duty Pass Quota shall be earmarked at the counter for booking by Duty/Privilege/PRC pass holders and the remaining will be released as emergency quota subject to maximum limit mentioned in subsequent paragraph.
(iii) The maximum number of berths/seats to be earmarked as Duty Pass Quota shall broadly be as under:-
Class | Maximum Number of berths / seats to be earmarked | Total | |
At Counter | As EQ | ||
1A | — | 4 | 4 |
2A | 3 | 9 | 12 |
3A | 13 | 14 | 27 |
EC | — | 6 | 6 |
CC | 12 | 12 | 24 |
SL | 10 | 10 | 20 |
2S | 10 | 10 | 20 |
(iv) The actual Duty Pass Quota to be earmarked at counter and that as Emergency Quota shall be decided by zonal Railways, based on number of coaches of that class available in the train.
3. The quota so earmarked shall be reviewed by zonal Railways on periodical basis and adjustments made within the limits mentioned above, wherever required.
(D.V. Rao)
Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board
(Shelly Srivastava)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board
New Pass Rules for Retired Rly Staffs
Clarification regarding entitled number of sets of “Post Retirement Complimentary Passes” (PRCP) admissible to lateral entrants in Railways Service
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. E(W)2016/PS5-8/2
New Delhi, dated 19.04.2018
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units.
Sub: Clarification regarding entitled number of sets of “Post Retirement Complimentary Passes” (PRCP) admissible to lateral entrants in Railways Service.
Ref: (i) Board’s letter No.E(W)2006/PS5-1/28 dated 18.04.2007.
(ii) Board’s letter No.E(W)2006/PS5-1/28 dated 08.05.2008.
(iii) Board’s letter No.E(W)2013/PS5-1/7 dated 16.12.2013.
(iv) Board’s letter No.E(W)2013/PS5-1/28 dated 12.03.2014.
In the PNM/NFIR meeting with Board, the Federation have raised an issue that lateral entrants in Railways Service, especially ex-servicemen, who have retired or ceased to be a railway servant, after having rendered more than 20 years of qualifying service (i.e. after addition of admissible past non-railway service) are not being issued entitled number of PRCPs.
2. In this context, your attention is drawn to the amendment made vide Advance Correction Slip (ACS) No.53 to Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition – 1993), circulated vide Board’s letter cited under Ref.(i) which provided for giving weightage only to the extent of half of the period of past non-railway service rendered by “Ex-servicemen or Central Government employees” for determining their eligibility to PRCP. The said provision was further amended vide ACS No.56, circulated vide Board’s letter cited under Ref.(ii). It provided for counting of half of the period of past non-railway service rendered by the lateral entrants in non-railway departments or establishments to determine their eligibility ot PRCP subject to the condition that the said period of past non-railway service has been counted along with the railway service for pensionary benefits. It was also made clear that the number of PRCPs of such lateral entrants shall be at par with those railway servants who have retired with minimum 20 years of qualifying railway service.
3. Furthermore, in terms of ACS No. 74, circulated vide Board’s letter cited under Ref.(iii), read with Board’s letter cited under Ref.(iv), railway employees who retired on or after 01.01.2006 were made entitled to the following PRCP facility:-
Category | No. of PRCPs admissible in one year | |
Group A & B | With railway service of 20 years or more | 3 Sets |
Group C | 2 Sets | |
Group D | 1 Sets |
4. Accordingly, it is clarified that the lateral entrants who have retired or ceased to be a railway servant w.e.f. 01.01.2006 after having rendered 20 years or more of qualifying service (i.e. either railway service plus half of the period of past non-railway service counted along with railway service for pensionary benefits or railway service exclusively), are entitled to the number of PRCPs as stipulated in preceding para 3.
5. The Railways are advised to follow the extant provisions of statutory rules scrupulously and issue passes accordingly.
(V. Muralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare)-I
Railway Board